Eating During Pregnancy

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What foods should you eat? What foods should you avoid? Are you really eating for two? Why are you thinking about ice cream all the time? Pregnancy often comes with many questions. And we want to help you find good answers. By making healthy eating a priority during pregnancy, you can help give your baby a healthy start in life. So, use these tips for eating during pregnancy:

Eat good, nutritious food.

Good nutrition during pregnancy is vital for you and baby. Choose high-calcium foods, fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors, high-fiber foods, good sources of iron, and taking a prenatal vitamin every day. Avoid alcohol and limit your use of caffeine, including soda.

Pregnant women need about 300 more calories a day. Make those calories count with good, nutritious foods.

Below is a chart of some of the most common nutrients you need and the foods that contain them:

NutrientNeeded ForBest Sources


Cell growth and blood production

Lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, beans, peanut butter, tofu


Daily energy production

Breads, cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruits, vegetables


Strong bones and teeth, muscle contraction, nerve function

Milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines or salmon with bones, spinach


Red blood cell production (to prevent anemia)

Lean red meat, spinach, iron-fortified whole-grain breads and cereals

Vitamin A

Healthy skin, good eyesight, growing bones

Carrots, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes

Vitamin C

Healthy gums, teeth and bones, assistance with iron absorption

Citrus fruit, broccoli, fortified fruit juices

Vitamin B6

Red blood cell formation, effective use of protein, fat and carbohydrates

Pork, ham, whole-grain cereals, bananas

Vitamin B12

Formation of red blood cells, maintaining nervous system health

Meat, fish, poultry, milk (Note: vegetarians who don’t eat dairy products need supplemental B12.)

Vitamin D

Healthy bones and teeth, aids absorption of calcium

Fortified milk, dairy products, cereals, and breads

Folic acid

Blood and protein production, effective enzyme function

Green leafy vegetables, dark yellow fruits and vegetables, beans, peas, nuts


Body energy stores

Meat, whole-milk dairy products, nuts, peanut butter, margarine, vegetable oils (Note: limit fat intake to 30% or less of your total daily calorie intake.)

Make sure food is safe for your baby.

Making sure food is safe for your baby is mostly common sense. But it still might help to have guidelines that tell you what’s safe and what’s not. This might be useful if you find yourself craving something unusual. From alcohol to seafood, find out what foods may be risky during pregnancy.

Have weird pregnancy cravings? It’s okay.

If you suddenly feel like you could eat peanut butter for breakfast, lunch, dinner and maybe a snack, you’re not alone. Up to 68% of women have cravings during pregnancy.

Some pregnant women start craving really strange foods and combinations. Here are some common and not-so-common cravings we’ve heard of:

  • Brownies with mustard
  • Peanut butter and cheese
  • Nachos with extra jalapeños
  • Gummi bears
  • Horseradish
  • Cheese dipped in ketchup
  • Root beer
  • Pickle chips on chocolate cookies
  • Watermelon
  • Tabasco sauce on everything!

You can give in to your cravings from time to time. Just make sure what you’re craving is safe for you and your baby. Also, be sure that most of the time you eat healthy. Learn more about healthy eating for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Join the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program.

Did you know that if you are pregnant, you can get good, nutritious food completely free? Just sign up for the WIC Program! WIC benefits can be used to buy healthy groceries such as dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This can help you keep a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Have questions on the WIC Program or want to find out how to apply? Need help finding an office near you? Visit the Michigan WIC Program website.

Have questions about eating healthy while pregnant?

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