Smoking Cessation

Want to quit smoking for good? We can help.

We make it easier than ever to quit smoking. Our plans include smoking cessation benefits for members for any of the following methods.

Nicotine replacement therapy

Quit smoking with patches, gum, inhalers, nasal spray or lozenges.

  • Chantix™*
  • Commit®*
  • Nicoderm® CQ*
  • Nicotine gum*
  • Nicotine lozenges*
  • Nicotine patches*
  • Nicotrol® inhaler*
  • Nicotrol NS*
  • Nicotrol*
  • Zyban®**

*Quantity limit applies to this drug.
**This drug is available as a generic equivalent but is listed by its brand name.

The above listed NRT options are available to members with a prescription drug rider. They must be prescribed by a HAP CareSource MI Health Link provider and filled by a HAP CareSource pharmacy. Office visit and prescription medication copays apply. Talk to your primary care physician and discuss these available smoking cessation options.

Why should I quit smoking?

There are many reasons why quitting is important:

  • Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is responsible for 420,000 deaths each year in the U.S. That’s one in every five deaths. It’s a leading cause of heart disease, cancer and lung problems.
  • Smoking harms others. Secondhand smoke kills over 50,000 of them each year. Babies who breathe secondhand smoke are more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome, also known as SIDS.
  • Smoking is expensive. If you smoke a pack a day, you spend more than $800 a year on cigarettes. Being a smoker also raises some of your insurance costs.
  • Smoking effects your appearance. Smoking stains your fingers and teeth, creates wrinkles on your face and leaves a stale smell on your breath, hair and clothes.

How do I quit smoking?

Some people choose to quit cold turkey – or all at once – while others prefer to stop gradually. Remember, different things work for different people. So if you’re having a hard time with one method, try another. Use these tips to help you with the quitting process.

Before you quit

  • Set a quit date.
  • Ask yourself, “Do I really need this cigarette?”
  • Write down your reasons for quitting and look at them often.
  • Take fewer puffs each time you smoke.
  • When you have an urge to smoke or use tobacco, wait five minutes. The urge may go away.
  • Take a walk to take your mind off of smoking and to replace it with exercise.
  • Make a list of things you can do instead of smoking.
  • Learn from the last time you tried to quit. What worked? What didn’t work?
  • Figure out when, where and why you usually smoke. These are your smoking “triggers.”
  • Find a friend who can help you stick to your quitting plan.
  • Throw away your cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters the night before your quit date.
  • Plan how you will make it through your first day.

After you quit

  • If you haven’t already, remove smoking reminders like cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays from your home and workplace. Consider cleaning your furniture and carpets to remove the smell of smoke.
  • Be aware of your smoking triggers and refer to your list of things you can do instead.
  • If you used to smoke when you were stressed, try exercising instead.
  • If you used to smoke after a meal, brush your teeth instead and see how clean your mouth feels.
  • If you used to smoke when you went out with friends, suggest gathering at a place where smoking isn’t allowed.
  • Many people find that they eat more when they stop smoking because quitting awakens your taste buds and eating keeps your mouth occupied. Be sure to watch your meal portions, drink plenty of water and snack on healthy foods like raw vegetables.
  • Reward yourself for not smoking. Take the money you save by not buying cigarettes and spend it on yourself. You deserve it!

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