Find A Pharmacy

To Find a Pharmacy near you, simply type in your address and follow the prompts. While we cover all medically necessary Medicaid-covered medications, we use a Preferred Drug List (PDL). The list shows the most common drugs covered. These are drugs we prefer your provider to prescribe.

Specialty Pharmacy

Most specialty drugs require a prior authorization before you can get it. Prior authorization may be needed if:

  • There is a generic or drugstore alternative drug.
  • The drug can be misused or abused.
  • There are other drugs that must be tried first.

Some drugs have limits on how much can be given at once. Talk with your provider about prior authorization and if any of your medications will need it. Please call Member Services if you have any questions.

Pharmacy – Drugstore.

Preferred Drug List (PDL) – A list of covered drugstore medicines.

Prescription – A health provider’s order for a drugstore to fill and give a drug to their patient.

Prior Authorization – Pre-approved coverage from HAP CareSource before health care is given. Providers send prior authorization requests to HAP CareSource for needed services. 

Member Services: 1-833-230-2053 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, seven days a week.