Community Impact
CareSource Market President Speaks at NAMI Georgia Conference
August 18th, 2022 | 2 min read

Since CareSource's launch in the Georgia market five years ago, CareSource and The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Georgia have been close partners in supporting Georgians’ behavioral health and the recovery movement. NAMI Georgia advocates have worked in the past year to support the behavioral health and recovery movement with the Mental Health Parity Act and the launch of the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
“I’m proud of how our advocates have joined together and did what was right for the people we serve,” said Kim Jones, executive director of NAMI Georgia in a video.
NAMI Georgia recently celebrated the 40-year anniversary of their mission to empower affiliates to create communities where all affected by mental illnesses find hope, help and acceptance through support, education and advocacy.
Jason Bearden, market president for CareSource Georgia spoke at the event to congratulate NAMI Georgia and the community leaders in attendance.
"CareSource is honored to continue our partnership with NAMI to promote and advocate for meaningful reforms and person-centered programs for those to receive care in critical moments," shared Jason. "We have seen the impact that NAMI and the Behavioral Health Services Coalition make to improve the lives of the Medicaid and complex health populations in our state."
CareSource recently launched a youth and family person-centered recovery program, Stronger Together. The Stronger Together program is grounded in evidence-based practices and brings case management based directly in the community, specialized therapeutic services such as art pharmacy and intensive wrap around supports and planned respite care for our CareSource members.
In 2021, NAMI Georgia served more than 24,000 Georgians.