Press Release

CareSource Foundation Awards Miami Valley In-Ovations $80,000 Signature Grant

June 4th, 2020 | 3 min read

Homes Destroyed by Tornadoes to be Rebuilt for People with Developmental Disabilities.

(DAYTON, OHIO June 4, 2020) – The CareSource Foundation has awarded an $80,000 signature grant to Miami Valley In-Ovations, a nonprofit housing corporation. The funding will support the reconstruction of one of the three homes damaged by the May 27, 2019 tornadoes in Montgomery County. The property will be rebuilt with the accessibility and safety modifications to serve individuals who have physical, mental, and/ or emotional disabilities.

“Oftentimes individuals with disabilities face extremely limited community housing options,” said Carri Paschal, general manager, Miami Valley In-Ovations. “So when FEMA categorized three of our properties as sustaining major damage, we knew we wanted to rebuild with an even greater emphasis on accessibility.”

The $80,000 grant will be matched with grants received from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) to fund the accessibility modifications included as part of the overall reconstruction project. The final home will be completed by the end of this year.

MVIO Care Source Exterior Tornado Damage 1 min

The home damaged by tornadoes before the repairs began.

MVIO Care Source Exterior Property min

Newly rebuilt home with accessible entrance.

“Since 2006, the CareSource Foundation has awarded grants to nonprofits who are working to eliminate poverty, encourage healthy communities and develop innovative approaches to address critical health issues,” said Dan McCabe, chief administrative officer, CareSource. “The work Miami Valley In-Ovations takes on in the Dayton area is incredibly important for our members and our partners.”

CareSource, a nationally recognized health plan, takes the impact affordable housing has on all facets of health, both on an individual and community level, seriously. Developing strategic partnerships furthers their goal of investing in innovative solutions for positive health outcomes. As a nonprofit, CareSource looks for creative solutions to engage with neighborhoods from a housing standpoint in a unique way.

“CareSource makes concerted effort to addressing our members’ access to safe and affordable housing in order to enhance quality of life outcomes,” said Amy Riegel, Director of Housing at CareSource. “If we help a community that has a large number of low-income individuals have better access to housing, education and food, our members will benefit from that help and be healthier in the long run.”

About Miami Valley In-Ovations, Inc.

Miami Valley In-Ovations, Inc. (MVIO) is a nonprofit housing corporation that develops safe, affordable and accessible housing for persons with developmental disabilities in Montgomery County, Ohio. We work to address commonly identified housing issues that impact people with disabilities to include affordability, accessibility, aging care givers, housing discrimination and availability.  MVIO operates under Master Contract with the Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services to develop and manage community housing. MVIO owns more than 90 properties to include single family homes, duplexes, and apartment buildings with the ability to offer housing to more than 400 people.

For 27 years, MVIO has demonstrated that safe, accessible, and affordable housing provide a stable environment for individuals to succeed in community living. Our homes provide more than just housing for individuals but anchors them to the community in which they live, work, and play. We believe that housing is a foundation for stability, contributes to good health and helps build community.

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