Press Release
CareSource announces $1 million commitment to Fostering Success Act, Inc. to support young Georgians aging out of foster care
February 21st, 2024 | 4 min read
ATLANTA (CARESOURCE) – CareSource, a mission-driven managed care plan serving more than 450,000 Georgians, announced today at a press conference at the Georgia Capitol, a $1 million investment to Fostering Success Act, Inc. (FSA). FSA is a nonprofit that provides resources and support to young people aging out of Georgia’s foster care system.
CareSource’s $1 million investment will immediately go towards creating better outcomes for Georgia families. CareSource continues to support its members, their families and the citizens of Georgia by connecting former foster youth to organizations and support services, including housing, food and transportation, that help them as they transition into adulthood and pursue higher education or vocational training. This donation will benefit this young adult population that may be eligible to enroll in a Georgia Families managed care plan or Medicaid Fee-for-Service. The donation supports CareSource’s efforts to go beyond the traditional definitions of health and wellness that when addressed contribute to the improvement of the whole health of Georgia’s families.
“CareSource is proud to show our commitment to improving the lives of those who are transitioning out of foster care through our investment in FSA,” said Bobby Cagle, executive director of child welfare at CareSource Georgia. “By providing young people with the resources they need to become independent and educated, we help to create paths to healthier futures and strengthen their communities by decreasing the risk of homelessness, poverty and incarceration.”
The state of Georgia currently has over 11,000 children in foster care, and approximately 700 youth age out of the system each year. Research shows that for youth aging out of foster care, more than 30% will experience homelessness, 70% will rely on welfare programs and almost 90% of boys will spend time in jail.
“Many young adults who age out of the foster care system have no support network and often little hope for the future,” said Heidi Carr, executive director, Fostering Success, Act. Inc. “At FSA, we empower these young people to pursue their dreams by connecting them to resources and organizations that can offer support. CareSource’s donation and Bobby’s leadership will help us further our impact across the state by providing housing, food, transportation, clothing and other necessities these young Georgians need to be successful and create a better life for themselves.”
In 2022, the Georgia Legislature unanimously passed House Bill 424, known as the Fostering Success Act. This established a Qualified Foster Child Donation Credit Program which funds wrap-around services for youth who have aged out of foster care by offering tax filers a credit for donations made to Qualified Foster Child Support Organizations. Georgia tax filers can apply to receive 100% tax credit for contributions made to qualified foster support organizations through FSA.
FSA helps donors navigate the application process through the Georgia Department of Revenue so they can contribute to the tax credit program and in return, receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their Georgia state income taxes.
About Fostering Success
Fostering Success Act, Inc. (FSA) is a 501c3 Georgia non-profit devoted to assisting foster care youth who have aged out of the Georgia foster care system. FSA helps state individual and corporate taxpayers get approval from the state Department of Revenue for their tax credit donation to FSA. It then distributes funds to more than 20 approved non-profits that provide support services to qualifying youth to remove barriers in completing post-secondary education. Services include but are not limited to tuition at technical schools or state colleges, books and computers, transportation funds, food, rent assistance, medical care assistance, mentors and other items.
To learn more about FSA go to:

Left to Right: Rep. Marcus Wiedower (GA), Jason Bearden (market president, CareSource, Georgia), Bobby Cagle (executive director, child welfare, CareSource Georgia), Lt. Governor Burt Jones (GA), Sen. Kay Kirkpatrick (GA), and Heidi Carr (executive director, Fostering Success Act, Inc.)