Planning for Healthy Babies® (P4HB®)
We are excited to serve our Planning for Healthy Babies® (P4HB®) enrollees throughout the state of Georgia.
Planning for Healthy Babies® is a program that gives family planning services at no cost. P4HB® has three programs:
- Family Planning
- Inter-pregnancy Care (IPC)
- Resource Mother (Care Management)
Eligibility Requirements
The Department of Community Health sends you a letter to let you know if you’re able to be part of P4HB®.
You are eligible for the Family Planning part of P4HB® if you:
- Are a U.S. citizen or person with qualified proof of citizenship
- Are a woman between the ages of 18 and 44
- Are a Georgia resident
- Are not eligible for any other Medicaid program or managed care program
- Have family income of no more than 211% of the federal poverty level (FPL)
If you meet these requirements and delivered a very low birth weight (VLBW) baby (less than 3.3 lbs.), you will be part of the Inter-pregnancy Care (IPC) part of the P4HB® program.
If you get Medicaid and delivered a VLBW baby, you can be part of the Resource Mother part of the P4HB® program.
Questions? Visit P4HB.
Family Planning
Family planning providers play a big role in your health care and in lowering the number of babies born with low birth weights. This is done through preventive services. These are:
- Contraceptive services
- Pelvic exams
- Pregnancy testing
- Screening for cervical and breast cancer
- Screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV
- Basic fertility services
- Health education
- Referrals for other health and social services
Family Planning Providers
You do not need a referral to see a family planning provider. You can find a list of them in the Find a Doctor tool. You may see a network or qualified out-of-network family planning provider for your care. This can be Georgia Association for Primary Health Care (GAPHC) providers like rural health clinics, local health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers and free clinics. CareSource will cover in-network and qualified out-of-network family planning services. For help choosing a family planning provider, call us.
Low-Cost Primary Care Services
The Georgia Association for Primary Health Care helps people with little or no insurance get primary care.
This will help Planning for Healthy Babies® enrollees find low-cost primary care services they might not have under their family planning health plan.
Visit the website to learn more.
Inter-pregnancy Care
Inter-pregnancy Care (IPC) members get all P4HB® Family Planning benefits plus:
- Primary care services, up to five office/outpatient visits per calendar year
- Limited dental services
- Management and treatment of chronic diseases
- Substance abuse treatment such as detoxification and intensive outpatient rehabilitation
- Prescription drugs (non-family planning) for the treatment of chronic conditions that may increase the risk of a very low birth rate (VLBW) delivery
- Non-emergency rides
Women who get Medicaid and give birth to a very low birth weight (VLBW) baby (a baby weighing less than 3 pounds, 5 ounces) are can be part of Resource Mother services.
This involves case management and help with personal and social problems. It also has help with social services. For a full list, call us.
Family Planning and IPC enrollees can use ride benefits. Family Planning enrollees can get up to 6 round trip visits per year for covered services.
You must show you still qualify for P4HB®, called redetermination, at least every 12 months. You will get a note from DCH before your deadline.
- New members – 12 months from the original date of eligibility
- Existing members – 12 months from the last redetermination date
You must confirm your income when you renew. You can use pay stubs to do this. Pay stubs must be less than 90 days from the renewal deadline.
Questions? Visit P4HB or call 1-877-744-2101 or 1-877-427-3224. You can also call us.
Women who are no longer eligible will be disenrolled from the P4HB® program. These are women who:
- Become pregnant
- Have a sterilization procedure and all needed follow-up
- Move out of the state
- Become incarcerated
- Change income status
- Are not able to become pregnant
- Are no longer between the ages of 18-44
You can call us to ask for disenrollment or check the status of your request. Questions? Check your Member Handbook or call us.
Member Services: 1-855-202-0729 (TTY: 711), open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.