Covered Services
Do you have to choose a doctor when you sign up?
It is best to choose your PCP when you sign up. If you don’t choose a doctor then, we will choose one for you. You can change your PCP during your first 90 days.
What doctors and hospitals are covered by CareSource?
Visit Find A Doctor. It lets you search by area, specialty and much more. This includes visiting providers through telehealth.
What is offered through CareSource Life Services® program?
- This program offers ways to help you with your goals. CareSource JobConnect™ helps you get new skills and a job. Visit Life Services.
Can I get a ride to my doctor visits?
- You can get free rides to and from your health care visits. We offer free rides to food pantries, grocery stores for curbside pickup, or other food sites. Learn more about transportation.
CareSource Rewards
What rewards does CareSource offer?
Earn rewards when you and your family get preventative care and complete healthy activities. Use your rewards to shop for anything from groceries and clothing to diapers and personal care products. Learn more about our rewards programs.
Joining CareSource
How can I become a member of CareSource?
- People who are newly eligible for Georgia Families® have 30 days to choose the managed care plan they want to use. If they do not choose within 30 days of being deemed eligible, they will be assigned to a plan.
You can choose CareSource in these ways:
- Online: Georgia Gateway, sign in and renew your benefits.
- Call: 1-888-GA-Enroll (1-888-423-6765). They are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- By Mail. Fill out the form and mail it back right away to DFCS. Find the address to your local county office.
- In Person. Visit your local county DFCS office. Find the address to your local county office.
How can I learn more about the benefits CareSource offers?
Get a CareSource member ID Card, Plan Documents or Change Your Doctor
How do I get a new CareSource member ID card?
- Log into your CareSource MyLife account to view your ID card. You can also call us and ask for a new ID card.
How do I get a new CareSource Member Handbook?
- Mail the postage-paid card from your new member booklet.
- The handbook is online.
- Call us.
How do I get a new Provider Directory?
- Mail the postage-paid card from your new member booklet.
- Visit Find A Doctor.
- Call us.
How do I select or change my primary care provider (PCP)?
- CareSource MyLife lets you find and choose a new doctor. You can change your PCP to another provider up to once a month. Or use the Find A Doctor tool to find all providers in our network.
Contact Us
How can I contact CareSource?
- Call us : 1-855-202-0729 (TTY: 1-800-255-0056 or 711) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Online through the Tell Us form.
What if I have a health question after hours?
Call the CareSource24® Nurse Advice line at 1-844-206-5944 (TTY: 711) if you have questions about your health. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
How can I get help in a language other than English or a different format?
Call us. We will get someone who can sign or speak your language. They can help you talk with us or your doctors.
We can also give you some printed items in your preferred language. This is free for you.
Member Services: 1-855-202-0729 (TTY: 711), open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.